All you need to know about your statutory responsibilities for Energy and Carbon Reporting.
The Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013 required quoted companies to report their annual emissions and an intensity ratio in their Directors’ Report. The subsequent 2018 Regulations brought in additional disclosure requirements for quoted companies of any size as well as new requirements for large unquoted companies and limited liability partnerships.
Listing status determines exactly what must be reported. Non listed large organisations are obliged to report their UK energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions as a minimum relating to gas, electricity and transport fuel, as well as an intensity ratio and information relating to reduction actions taken. Quoted companies of all sizes are required to report their global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, an intensity ratio, their total global energy use,energy efficiency actions, alongside the methodology used to calculate the values.
Non listed companies are exempt from reporting if they meet two of the following criteria:
- Turnover < £36 Million
- Balance Sheet <£18 Million
- Employees <250
Low energy users can also be exempt in some circumstances.
How we help organisations with their statutory Energy and Carbon reporting
- Blue Marble experts will review your specific status to determine exactly what your organisation is required to report and exclude non essential elements to maximise efficiency.
- We will accurately calculate your energy and GHG emissions for the activities which are within scope.
- The results alongside other mandatory commentary will be included within a SECR specific compliant template.
- If a Green House Gas Inventory is required for other reasons, we can extract the specific information from the inventory to populate a specific SECR compliant report.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who needs to comply with SECR?
SECR regulations apply to quoted companies, large unquoted companies, and large Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) based on specific thresholds such as turnover, balance sheet total, and number of employees.
- How do companies gather and calculate the necessary data for SECR?
Businesses often have questions about the practical aspects of data collection and calculation. This includes the methods for measuring energy usage and carbon data, and how to calculate emissions using appropriate conversion factors. Guidance on these processes is crucial for accurate and compliant reporting.
- What is defined as a Quoted company?
According to the Companies Act 2006 a quoted company is one that is listed on a recognized stock exchange.
Specifically, the Act defines a quoted company as one whose equity share capital is:
- Officially listed in an EEA State: This means that the company’s shares are listed on an official stock exchange in any European Economic Area (EEA) state.
- Officially listed in the United Kingdom: This includes companies listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange.
- Admitted to dealing on either the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ
Why choose Blue Marble?
- We understand that the priority of SECR is to be compliant, often within a compressed reporting timeframe – our process is focused on getting you the results you need when you need them.
- The SECR team are knowledgeable, available and approachable so the process is easy to follow.
- Blue Marble prides itself in being people-led so we are here to support you.
- Reporting information is provided in an active electronic format so it can be included within your own reports on your template.
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