Technology v Nature based Carbon Projects: As part of a series of articles we are writing about Carbon Offsetting, below is a simplified ‘explainer’ about the differences between Technology based Carbon Offset […]
As Chief Operating Officer at Blue Marble, I often encounter business owners who have concerns about the cost of reducing their corporate carbon-footprint. Yet significant strides on the journey to net zero can be achieved by implementing a few simple, low-cost – and even cost-neutral – changes.
Just like forests and oceans, soil has the ability to act as a carbon sink, sequestering large quantities of carbon from our atmosphere and cooling our planet. But depending on how land […]
Planting trees has long been touted as the answer to reversing climate change. But not as many people know that kelp also plays a monumental role in climate change consulting, saving our […]
What are Peatlands and why are they important? Peatlands are wetland ecosystems where permanently waterlogged conditions prevent the complete decomposition of plant and organic matter, resulting in a naturally accumulated layer of […]